What is it about deer? Whenever you see one, you almost automatically exclaim, “Oh, look. A deer!” Funny how that always seems to be the case. (And then that song from The Sound of Music pops into your head – Doe, a deer, a female deer…. Read More
What is it about deer? Whenever you see one, you almost automatically exclaim, “Oh, look. A deer!” Funny how that always seems to be the case. (And then that song from The Sound of Music pops into your head – Doe, a deer, a female deer…. Read More
It was the year 1789 when Benjamin Franklin uttered those famous words: “… in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.” Little did he know that phrase would still be quoted to this very day. Read More
Did you ever stop and think about fences? Fences are quite interesting because its reason for existence is twofold: it either keeps things in or keeps things out. But what about fences in our spiritual life? Does your fence need mending? Read More
Last week, I went to get my haircut, like I’ve done so many times before. But this time, I experienced a flashback of a time when my haircut was more than just a haircut. Read More
Have you ever caught yourself in the act of judging others? It could be while driving, in the grocery store, at school, at work, or even in church. We all have this inner tendency to judge; it’s human nature. Read More
We’ve all seen those signs outside of churches that have those funny or witty phrases. I love these! They always seem to put a smile on my face. Read More
I love bread. It doesn’t matter what kind; I just really love bread. I find it to be extremely tasty and satisfying at any time of day. Here is a story of a man who also really loved bread. Read More
Have you ever gazed at yourself in a mirror and wondered who was looking back at you? Have you ever questioned if you were following the path of God’s will? Have you ever asked if you are being the person God made you to be? Read More
One of the focus areas I strive to improve upon in my spiritual life is to incorporate more meditative prayer into my existing prayer life. I had mentioned this to my retreat spiritual director and she asked, “Why do you want to do this? Why do you want to meditate or center?” That was a really good question that I needed to reflect on more deeply. Read More
At the far end of our backyard is a pond. I often sit on our deck in silence, as there I am able to take in all of the beautiful sights and sounds of nature. Read More