Thoughts are a funny thing. In fact, the average person can have up to 60,000 thoughts per day. (I know, that’s crazy!) That means that our brains are constantly producing thoughts ranging from common daily tasks to those that are much deeper. Read More
I spent this past weekend in Villa Maria, Pennsylvania where I was blessed to lead a retreat for deacons and their wives from the Diocese of Youngstown, Ohio. Here are a few random thoughts from the road. Read More
There are quite a few random thoughts running through this wandering mind of mine this week, and it seems to be taking me in a variety of directions. Read More
For some reason, I woke up this morning not praising God, but judging others. You may think that this is difficult because I haven’t even “seen” anyone yet. But for some reason, I was judging these people in my mind. I’m not really sure where this comes from, but this happens far more than I care to admit.
I often get this thought in my head that people don’t fit into the mold that I am trying to put them into. As I sit here writing this, I realize how terrible this action is. I am trying to make these people something they’re not. I am forcing my rules of living onto others, and they don’t even know that I am doing it. I am judging people according to my thoughts and beliefs. I am finally starting to realize when I am doing this, and I try to realign my thoughts as soon as possible. I was not placed on this earth to judge. That is not my job. God will judge – not me! My role is to love and serve the Lord and others each and everyday. I shall not judge because I have many obstacles of my own to overcome. I need to constantly pray for the strength to overcome my weaknesses and become more loving and caring.
It all comes down to realizing that I am not the one who is in charge. It is not about me and it’s certainly not how others should conform to my thoughts, actions and preconceived notions. I will continue to pray for the knowledge and understanding to accept this reality of God being the one who has control of every situation. By placing my life in God’s hands, I will be totally free of thoughts of judgement toward others. I will be able to love others for who they really are, and not what I expect them to be. I will be fully accepting of their gifts and talents and strive to live better because of them.
Help me, Lord, not to judge others – but to serve you with my whole heart. Amen.
Have you ever wondered what God is saying to us? Are we even listening? Many of us feel as if we can’t hear God, and as a result we walk around aimless, clueless, and lost. What we need to do is to ask if the words of Jeremiah apply to us (Jeremiah 7:23-28). How carefully do we listen? How well do we carry out the will of God in our lives? How clearly can we discern the presence of God in our daily lives?
To help answer these questions, here are five steps that we need to follow to help us walk in God’s ways: Read More
As I was driving on my way to work this morning, I was saying my morning prayers as my usual custom when driving to work early in the morning. It was then that I approached a red traffic light. As I pulled up, there was a pick-up truck on my left side with a dog sitting in the passenger seat with his head out the window. After an initial chuckle at the sight, I began to stare at the dog. He rested his head on the door (since the window was lowered all the way down), as if in a state of contemplation. Even the look on his face indicated that he was deep in thought. Now I know that scientists have found evidence that dogs do not think. However, after watching this dog for what seemed like hours, there was no doubt in my mind that he had something on his mind. I couldn’t take a picture quick enough, so this photo is not of that dog I witnessed. Read More
Peace on the outside comes from knowing God on the inside - spreading the message that work and the circumstances of everyday life are opportunities for growing closer to God and serving others.