A huge crowd was watching the famous tightrope walker Charles Blondin cross Niagara Falls one day in 1860.
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A huge crowd was watching the famous tightrope walker Charles Blondin cross Niagara Falls one day in 1860.
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The past couple of weeks have hit me pretty hard, and I imagine that I’m not alone.
I was trying to catch-up on some reading, sifting through my file folders of various articles that I have collected over the years. Suddenly, I found myself reflecting on an excerpt from The Merton Institute for Contemplative Living on living a contemplative life. I found it to be very enlightening and inspiring.
There are quite a few random thoughts running through this wandering mind of mine this week, and it seems to be taking me in a variety of directions.
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There I was, digging through my archives of articles and meditations when I came across this beautiful story. On the road of life, do you have trust issues?
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I don’t like to wait. Whether it’s at the doctor’s office, at a busy restaurant on a Saturday night, sitting in rush hour traffic, or waiting for water to boil when making pasta. Waiting is hard because it often causes stress, anxiety, confusion, sorrow, and even darkness.
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Holy Thursday always seems to trigger a host of memories from my childhood. I remember how we attended this evening’s Mass as a family, and afterwards how we would visit other neighboring churches. But I never fully understood what was going on and why we did these things.
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In light of ‘The Academy Award’ incident that has been all over the news and social media, we should be reminded of this beautiful and timely quote from Scripture:
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Sometimes, certain things in life touch your heart right when you need it most. That happened to me this week as I was looking up some information on the Internet. An image of a T-shirt popped up on my screen, but it wasn’t the shirt that caught my attention. It was the anonymous quote that was on it:
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