Words are very powerful. Words not only convey information but are a reflection of our innermost thoughts. And it doesn’t matter whether we write them down or say them out loud, words have an impact on both ourselves and others. I’m reminded of this quote:

“Words are chameleons – they reflect the color of their environment.”

Words can destroy our relationships, but words can also be life-giving. Words can be filled with hate and anger, but words can also forgive and heal. Jesus reminds us that the words we speak are actually the overflow of our hearts and that the power to use words is a beautiful gift from God.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus gives his disciples some powerful words to guide them on their journey after he’s gone. He says:

  • Whoever loves me will keep my word.
  • Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you.
  • Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.

Let’s dive deeper into each of these and it’s meaning in our lives.

“Whoever loves me will keep my word.” The words of Jesus came from the Father who sent him. This means Jesus is present when we recall his words; and when we obey God’s word, we experience God’s love. It’s remembering what Jesus did and said, taking it to heart, and living it out in our day-to-day lives. Jesus’ words must lead us to action!

Give Us Your Peace“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you.” Jesus gives us the gift of a different kind of peace. It’s an everlasting peace that can never be destroyed by hatred, evil, or even death. This peace comes to us from our loving union with the Father, through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is our Advocate and spiritual guide which, if we are open to receiving it, encourages us to break down those barriers in our lives that prevent us from loving one another as God intended.

Finally, “Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” Sometimes we are like the disciples thinking that Jesus is abandoning us, especially in our time of need. But we are reminded today that we are constantly surrounded by the presence of the Father, and the love of the Son, with the power of the Holy Spirit, so there’s no need to be worried or afraid. When we keep Jesus’ word, the Father will dwell with us.

Yet even with these powerful words spoken to us by Jesus today, there is still this uneasiness that weighs on our hearts. How can we keep God’s word while living in our modern world? How can we imitate the pattern of God’s love and accept God’s peace when we struggle to live as God intended? I believe that it all comes down to this: each one of us must strive to…

  • End the division in our world and move to healing.
  • Stop the violence and killing and value the sanctity of life.
  • Move from selfishness to generosity.
  • Stop judging others and accept and value their opinions.
  • Look at one another and not see a skin color or a specific gender but see a person who is made in God’s likeness.
  • Address the issues of injustice, righting wrongs, giving a voice to the voiceless and treating everyone with dignity and respect.
  • Stop our hatred and malice and love each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.

I know it sounds daunting, but it is possible to overcome all of our negativity, divisions, anger, and anxiety. How? By following God’s word and fully embracing the gift of Jesus’ peace. For we cannot share the peace of Christ with others until we first feel it in our own hearts. True peace begins and only comes through prayer and from our loving relationship with God.

When we are at peace in our relationships, in our families, in our community, in our church and in our world, it is then when we are bringing the kingdom of God here on earth.

Loving God, do not let our hearts be troubled but help us to follow your word, and please give us the spirit of your peace. Then Lord, send that spirit of peace from each one of us to all the world. Amen.

Read Deacon Allen’s post: Peace Be with You.

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