As I was sifting through our pile of mail, I picked up our copy of U.S. Catholic. I casually flipped open the magazine, and my eyes zoned onto this quote:
Deacon Allen | Deacon Allen Tatara Catholic Speaker - Part 44
On the Inside; On the Outside
A man who worked in a sawmill lost his wristwatch in a large pile of sawdust. The crew stopped the machines and they all began looking, but they could not find the watch. They decided that they would go to lunch and look again when they returned. After lunch, a young boy was standing there with the wristwatch in his hand. The man said, “How did you find it?” The boy replied, “Well, I just laid down in the sawdust and listened for the ticking.”
That is prayer!!!
On December 31st, I had the opportunity to preach on the feast of Mary, the Mother of God. My homily focused on the fact that a new year calls us to reflect, sort out, and understand – that our lives are fundamentally changed by Christ. I spoke of how Mary couldn’t help but ponder the drastic changes her son would bring to her life, and maybe even her world.
As all of us take the time to look back over the past year, and all those important days and events, can we see how God was present and active in all of them?
Then, I shared my list of the ten things that I learned in 2011. At the request of many, here is my list: Read More
2 Corinthians 12:9b-10
I willingly boast of my weakness, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore, I am content with weakness, with mistreatment, with distress, with persecutions and difficulties for the sake of Christ; for when I am powerless, it is then that I am strong.
What a wonderful way to start the morning! May all of us be truly powerless this day, so that we too may be strong in Christ.
In an exclusive interview with ABC News, President Obama today acknowledged that he has made mistakes during his presidency but defended the steps his administration has taken to create jobs and improve the economy.
Back in the 1985, I was divinely inspired to write a song called “On the Inside; On the Outside.” The song speaks to the fact that one needs to feel God on the inside for others to see God on the outside. In other words, if you recognize God in your daily life and live the way that God wants you to live, than others will see that something good is going on in your life. If you find that your heart is cold and empty, it may be because you have not let God inside. If you let God enter your heart, you will be filled with overflowing love, which you will want to naturally pass on to others. God is always with you, and we are called to spread His word to all. Others can’t help but to be attracted to a person who is so filled with the love of God, and so filled with the vocation of serving others. Read More