
Transformed and Reshaped

By March 15, 2013August 8th, 20132 Comments

So, how is your Lent going? (I’ve been asking people this question a lot lately.) Have you been doing all the things that you said you were going to do back on Ash Wednesday?

On Ash Wednesday, I challenged all of us to return to the font, where we were baptized, where we were first called by Jesus – to return to that font and be refreshed, renewed, refueled, and restored. I challenged us to take the focus off of our one big “I” and to refocus on God and serving others.

While reading Ezekiel 47:1-9,12 this week, I noticed that he talks about the importance of water. Ezekiel envisioned a river that begins with a trickle, then becomes ankle-deep, then knee-deep, then waist-deep, and then a flowing and life-giving river – a river that transforms the land.

And that is why we are using water (and the shell) as our Lenten symbol this year. So we too can be transformed and reshaped by the water in order to return to our calling of being the people that God intended us to be.

There’s still time left in our Lenten journey. There’s no time like the present time. Let us turn to the Lord and ask him to allow us to be refreshed, renewed, refueled, and restored.


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