
teaching | Deacon Allen Tatara Catholic Speaker

teaching | Deacon Allen Tatara Catholic Speaker

On the Inside; On the Outside


For the Love of Scripture

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When I train lectors, I always stress the importance of loving Scripture as it helps us to proclaim better and deepen our relationship with God. And that is really the message in our first reading from Nehemiah.

I love Scripture because it has the power to make us realize that we often fail in our attempt to live as Jesus taught us; yet, it fills us with hope in order to keep trying.

I love Scripture because it is living and breathing, constantly making itself just as relevant today as it was when it was first written.

I love Scripture because it reminds us of how we are to care for each other, despite our differences; to love all our neighbors especially those in need.

I love Scripture because even though we may not always understand it, there are many individuals out there who can help us decipher its meaning in our lives.

I love Scripture because it teaches and trains us in righteousness so that we are equipped to perform good works in the world.

And I love Scripture because it allows us to celebrate in the joy and strength that is offered to us when we open ourselves up to God’s living word on a daily basis.

May we always strive to be lovers of Scripture. For as Jesus said, “If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Don’t Trust Your Baggage

Posted by | Everyday Life | No Comments

In today’s Gospel (Mark 6:7-13) we read how Jesus sent out his closest friends with special instructions and powers. Like Jesus, they were to go out preaching and teaching the Good News. They too, will face rejection. Jesus also gave them detailed instructions as to what to carry and how long to stay in any given place.

Jesus warned the twelve against carrying anything they did not need. They were to be counter-witnesses to possessiveness and the consumerism to which advertisements propel us. The more we have, the less we are. The greatest treasure which the twelve carried with them was the good news of Jesus.

The notion to “take nothing for the journey” makes traveling easier. Wealth, desire for recognition and personal pride can stunt our desire for God and our freedom to love and to do good. Jesus wanted his disciples to realize that they could not depend on human possessions but to trust in God alone. Trusting in God is more than enough!

Today, we need to reflect on these two questions: are there things that we hang onto in our lives that we might be better off letting go? Are we putting all our trust in the “baggage” that we have collected throughout our lives instead of traveling light and trusting in the Lord?

Each one of us is being sent out each day to bring the good news to those we meet. May we all live as disciples, available to do the work that God calls us to do – always aware that Jesus is with us wherever we go.