
spirituality | Deacon Allen Tatara Catholic Speaker

spirituality | Deacon Allen Tatara Catholic Speaker

On the Inside; On the Outside


How to Work from Home (and not lose your mind)

Posted by | Everyday Life | 2 Comments

I am writing this as I sit secluded in my home office. Like all of us here in Illinois (and many other locations worldwide), we have been instructed to stay in and avoid leaving our homes. This, of course, is to prevent the continued spread of the COVID-19 virus. Thousands upon thousands are being mandated to work from home. Many of us have never done that before and may be struggling with this new concept. And if you have others at home with you (especially young children), you may be feeling the stress of wondering how you will be able to accomplish anything. Hopefully, I can help guide you through this challenging ‘remote worker’ journey.

        I’ve been fortunate to have been an exclusive work-from-home employee for nearly 8 years now. Prior to that, I was telecommuting several days each week for about 3 years. Over this period, I have learned how to be productive, efficient, and trustworthy. (Yes, trust is a big factor as your employer is trusting that you are doing what you are being paid to do – especially when not in the office and not directly supervised.) Therefore, I would like to share a few tips on how you can work remotely while maintaining your sanity as well as the sanity of those stuck at home with you.

  1. Start your day with prayer. There is no better way to begin your workday than by praying to your heavenly Father. By carving out a few minutes each morning for prayer, you will notice that your day runs more smoothly and that you can better handle what lies ahead. Remember, prayer changes everything.
  2. Make a to-do list. After praying, plan out your day and write down (either on paper or in an app) all that you need to accomplish that day. Prioritize your tasks and get to work. Having a plan is an excellent way to stay focused on what needs to be done.
  3. Find a space and create an environment. If you can claim a space in your home that is away from everyone, good for you. This is not always the case. If you cannot get away from the action, then find a space that is comfortable and functional. A kitchen table is not always the best choice, and neither is in front of a TV. Try a small desk in a bedroom or even at the dining room table. Create an environment that will put you at ease and let you focus on your daily tasks. Have some family photos nearby. Maybe light a candle or listen to some instrumental music, or even have a meditation fountain running. I like to have some religious articles in my sight to remind me that God is always with me during my day.
  4. Separate work (work) and home (work). A constant challenge for any remote worker is trying to keep your home life from creeping into your work life. It’s difficult to not think of all the things that you need to get accomplished at home, but you need to find a way to do this. If you need to put a sticky note on your computer to remind you to stay focused, then by all means do so. The mind always wants to wander. You must do whatever it takes to bring it back to reality – and to the work at hand.
  5. Set some ground rules. This is especially important if you have children at home. Make sure that they know that when the door is closed, you are not to be interrupted. Be creative. If the bathroom is the only isolation chamber in your house, then use it for those important phone calls. Setting some ground rules upfront will make all the difference.
  6. Take a break. Studies have shown that sitting and staring at your computer for a prolonged period of time is not good for your eyes, body, or mind. Set a timer for 50 minutes. When the timer goes off, take a 10-minute break. Don’t hit the snooze! Literally stand up and walk away from your work. Take a quick walk, do some yoga stretches, meditate or even pray. And don’t forget to eat. It sounds silly, but I cannot tell you how many times that I was so engrossed in my work that I had completely forgotten to eat. Try to stick with a similar time each day for lunch (or a walk). Doing this will re-energize your mind and body and better prepare yourself for getting back to work.
  7. Stay off of social media. Avoid the temptation of peeking at your social media accounts. Once you fall into this hole, it is extremely difficult to pull yourself out. If you are completely hooked, then at least try to save this for when you take your breaks or lunch.
  8. Be patient. Working from home is not always easy, and it’s not always for everyone. But cut yourself some slack. Noah didn’t build the ark overnight. It may take some time to find your groove. Just be patient with yourself. Ask God to help you if distractions keep making your mind drift. Perhaps God is trying to tell you something important with those distractions.
  9. Ask for help. In many cases, working from home will make your more productive. This is primarily due to missing out on some of the common distractions of being in an office. And as you become more productive, you may find that you are so involved in your work that you lose all track of time. This is truly the case if you have a private room tucked away from everyone else in the house. This is where my wife Stephanie has been invaluable to me. When I get too buried in what I am doing and it is getting late in the day, she will remind me that it is time to come out of my cave. I can’t tell you how many times I needed her to do that for me. Don’t be afraid to ask someone for help, someone who can remind you to come back to the family and back to reality.
  10. Adapt as required. Phones will ring, children will interrupt, dogs will bark, diapers need to be changed, etc. Life happens. Don’t lose your cool. Don’t turn a cut into an amputation. Once you realize that things happen (and you don’t get upset over these things when they happen), you will be in a better position to go with the flow.

One final thought. I always like to end my day with prayer. Whether doing an examination of conscience or any other type of prayer, it’s always a good idea to have the final words of your day be one of praise and thanksgiving to the One who made the day possible.

May God bless you and keep you safe during these difficult times.

Remember, we’re all in this together. I’d love to hear if you have some other tips that may be useful for others.

The Spirituality of the Activity Band

Posted by | Everyday Life | No Comments

activity bandFor my birthday this year, my wife Stephanie bought me one of those fitness activity bands. If you’re not familiar with these, it’s a small device that you wear on your wrist, and its main purpose is to monitor how active you are and to motivate you to get moving and get healthier. It will monitor the amount of steps you’ve taken, miles walked, calories burned, stairs climbed and even how long you’ve slept at night. And it even tells you what time it is! And, the one that I have also monitors my heart rate so I know when to increase my workout. I love this thing! And since I’ve received it, I have changed many of my old habits and have taken the necessary steps (pun intended) to improve my well-being.

And that’s exactly why I love Lent! It’s a time for us to monitor our daily spiritual activities. It’s a time for us to realize that we are not doing all the things that we should be doing (or perhaps doing things that we should not be doing). We need to check our heart to see if we are loving others, treating them with respect, and putting their needs before our own. We need to measure the amount of steps we’ve walked in another’s shoes, so we may not judge others according to our own standards or personal beliefs. We need to ask ourselves, “How many people have I burned by my hurtful or slanderous words?” We need to wake from our sleep and be rejuvenated in our faith and in our prayer life.

Now is the perfect time for us to be reconciled with God. We’re about mid-way through Lent – and it’s not too late! We can reconnect with the Lord. We can change our bad habits into good habits. We can become the people that God made us to be. We can be active and transform our lives for the better – but only if we want to do so.

The good news is that we don’t have to do this on our own. Jesus is right here to help us (and to get us moving)!

Behold, now is a very acceptable time; now is the day of salvation!