
solitude | Deacon Allen Tatara Catholic Speaker

solitude | Deacon Allen Tatara Catholic Speaker

On the Inside; On the Outside


7 Ways to Live Like a Monk (even during a pandemic)

Posted by | Everyday Life | No Comments

The year 2020 has certainly been one of those years for the record books. This global pandemic has really changed so many things in our lives – things that we used to take for granted. Our definition of freedom ‘to do what we want, when we want and where we want’ may never be the same.

I read an article about how our life in lock-down is forcing all of us to live like monks. As we have become somewhat accustomed to shelter-in-place and home-quarantine, this has hopefully given us the opportunity to get over our fear of solitude and fully embrace our spiritual connection with God.

Have we embraced our inner monk during this solitude? If not, here are seven ways that we can live like a monk every single day (pandemic or not). Read More

Listen Up!

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As you may have known from my previous posts, I had taken a retreat a couple of weeks ago to spend some time with the Lord. I needed to sort things out, and the best way to do that was through silence, solitude, and prayer. With all of the stuff that is going on in my life, I needed to stop what I was doing and listen for the voice of the Lord and to find where God was calling me.

One Returns; One Departs

Posted by | Prayer | No Comments

I have returned from my week of silence and solitude, peace and prayer. There was a great number of things on my mind that I had to clear out, sort out, and clean up. It was a great week where I needed to face my trials, fears, and future – experienced all through tears, prayers, meditation, and incredible silence. Read More

Prayer, Silence and Solitude

Posted by | Prayer | One Comment

The past three weeks have been mentally challenging for me, and I find the need to clear my mind and sort things out. Therefore, I will be departing on a personal week-long retreat to spend some time with the Lord. I need to spend some time in prayer, silence and solitude. I will resume my writings here upon my return.

I ask you to keep me in your prayers this week. Please pray that I am able to listen to the what the Spirit needs to tell me; that I have the patience to hear the words spoken to me, the courage to act on those words, and the strength to make those words come to life through my actions. Read More