
signs | Deacon Allen Tatara Catholic Speaker

signs | Deacon Allen Tatara Catholic Speaker

On the Inside; On the Outside


Here’s Your Sign!

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god signA few years back, I experienced one of the many “God moments” in my life as I was on my way to work. The day before, I was hearing some nasty rumors of major job layoffs coming at my office location. It sounded like it was going to be a bad one. So naturally, I began to worry. At the time, I was the “new guy” in the group, so my thinking was that I would surely be the first one to go. My sleep was restless that night, and from about 3 am on, I was wide awake thinking about this potential job loss.

The next day on my way to work, I was saying my morning prayers in the car, and I asked God to calm my mind. I prayed that I was able to trust in the Lord at all times and not to worry about things out of my control. Deep down I knew that God would take care of me and guide me – as He always does. But it sure would be nice to have a sign, just to be certain.

Due to traffic issues, I took a slightly different route than usual. There, I passed a church that had a sign out front that read, “Don’t Worry – It May Not Happen.” It was like getting hit in the head with a 2 x 4. God was giving me a sign. And I couldn’t help but to praise and thank Him for allowing me to see the light! (And no, I wasn’t let go from my job!)

Are you looking for a sign from God? Then pray that you remain open to seeing God in the every day moments of your life – and you too will see the light!