I feel a powerful weight pressing upon my chest. My eyes are drooping, itchy, and raw. My head is throbbing with a palpitating pain that just won’t subside. I find it extremely difficult to sleep through the entire night, and I am plagued with fatigue during the day. I am in a very sorry state. But there’s no need for me to call the doctor – for I know what I am experiencing… Read More
overwhelmed | Deacon Allen Tatara Catholic Speaker
On the Inside; On the Outside
Maybe it’s just me, but I’m getting really tired of those prescription drug commercials on TV. Now I don’t watch a lot of TV, but it seems like when I do, there are more and more of these drug companies advertising their particular drug. And it’s not that I’m bothered by the dancing elderly people, or the guy playing with his grand-daughter and her dog, or the frisky couple sitting in two separate bath tubs overlooking a lake; what gets me is the never-ending warning labels within those commercials. Here is an example of one I recently saw: Read More