
Jesus | Deacon Allen Tatara Catholic Speaker - Part 11

Jesus | Deacon Allen Tatara Catholic Speaker - Part 11

On the Inside; On the Outside


Rolling Away the Stone

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There I was, starting off my Friday morning by going to the fitness center for a good workout. Although, something just didn’t feel right with me…

As I was working up a sweat, I began feeling some intense pain radiating between my front, side, and back. I decided that it would be wise to stop exercising. I also thought that it was unwise to drive home with this shooting pain, but I did it anyway. Read More

So Long, Old Self!

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man_silhouette_clip_art_9510As we begin this season of Lent, today’s Gospel (Luke 9:22-25) is a difficult message to hear and an even tougher one to carry out. We are told that we each need to carry our own cross and follow Jesus, and be prepared to do so every day. We are also told that we must renounce “self” in order for us to live. Now this goes against our every desire to want to advance ourselves in the eyes of others as well as to focus our attention on our own needs and wants. Read More

Not Entirely with the Lord

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Solomon’s legacy began with great success. But despite his glorious beginning, Solomon’s heart was not entirely with the Lord (1 Kings 11:4-13). He basically did not obey God, and the end result was that Solomon’s reign was catastrophic. This all came about because he had forgotten God’s unconditional and faithful love and decided to serve idols instead. Today, we too have our idols that we worship and find that our hearts are not entirely with the Lord. Read More

Recognizing Jesus

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Have you ever noticed that when you attend your class reunion that we do not always recognize a former classmate? It happens to the best of us. There could be a number of reasons why this happens: perhaps the person added some pounds over the years, has a new hairstyle (or even lack of hair), or maybe even that they had a little plastic surgery done. But then you hear a familiar laugh or see a gesture that tips you off to his or her identity. It is that “aha” moment that makes everything clear. Read More

Heavenly Bread

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Mr. and Mrs. Rodriquez came to our sharing parish picnic. They have five sons and each son has a sister who has five daughters, each of whom has one brother each. How many of them came to the picnic?
What I just shared with you is a riddle, and no doubt that you are trying to come up with an answer. Some of us feel the need to be able to explain and reconcile everything more than others. (I am one of those people, and it drives my wife nuts!) But generally, most of us like things to make sense, and we like to know the answer. Read More