
God | Deacon Allen Tatara Catholic Speaker - Part 16

God | Deacon Allen Tatara Catholic Speaker - Part 16

On the Inside; On the Outside


Thanksgiving Prayer

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Giving Thanks

thanksgiving dec

I give you thanks, Lord,
for my perfect arms
when so many have suffered mutilation.

For my perfect eyes
when so many cannot see.

For my voice that sings
when so many are reduced to silence.

For my hands that work
when so many beg.

O wondrous Lord,
to have a home, to return to it,
when there are so many brothers and sisters
who have nowhere to go.

To smile, to dream, to love,
when so many cry,
and so many hate each other.

Above all,
to have little to ask you for
and so much to thank you for.

~Catholic Relief Services (Nicaragua)


Photo credit: <a href=”https://www.flickr.com/photos/suckamc/4014605524/”>Martin Cathrae</a> via <a href=”http://photopin.com”>photopin</a> <a href=”http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/”>cc</a>

What Are You Doing on Earth?

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earth_clip_art_24300A young woman from another country was working, as many immigrant women do, caring for the children of an upper-middle class family. One day she heard the children yelling and screaming in another room. She spoke English well enough, but she hadn’t yet mastered some of our expressions. So as she entered the room intending to restore order, what she meant to say was, “What on earth are you doing?” but instead she said, “What are you doing on earth?”

That’s a great question especially after hearing today’s Gospel (Matthew 25:14-30), and it’s a question that we must ponder from time to time. What are we doing on earth? Read More

Here’s Your Sign!

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god signA few years back, I experienced one of the many “God moments” in my life as I was on my way to work. The day before, I was hearing some nasty rumors of major job layoffs coming at my office location. It sounded like it was going to be a bad one. So naturally, I began to worry. At the time, I was the “new guy” in the group, so my thinking was that I would surely be the first one to go. My sleep was restless that night, and from about 3 am on, I was wide awake thinking about this potential job loss.

The next day on my way to work, I was saying my morning prayers in the car, and I asked God to calm my mind. I prayed that I was able to trust in the Lord at all times and not to worry about things out of my control. Deep down I knew that God would take care of me and guide me – as He always does. But it sure would be nice to have a sign, just to be certain.

Due to traffic issues, I took a slightly different route than usual. There, I passed a church that had a sign out front that read, “Don’t Worry – It May Not Happen.” It was like getting hit in the head with a 2 x 4. God was giving me a sign. And I couldn’t help but to praise and thank Him for allowing me to see the light! (And no, I wasn’t let go from my job!)

Are you looking for a sign from God? Then pray that you remain open to seeing God in the every day moments of your life – and you too will see the light!

Lost and Found

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I can still remember that horrific day as if it were yesterday. When my boys were very young, we were at the shopping mall when I suddenly noticed that one of them had gone missing. And I was experiencing a number of feelings: fear, anxiety, worry, helplessness, and desperation. I began to search everywhere, even in the silliest places. I was not going to leave any spot unsearched. And I even remember crying out to God, “Do whatever you want with me, Lord, but let me find my son and let him be safe.” In a matter of moments, I found him – and I gave him a gigantic hug and let him know how much I loved him. Then, I thanked God for allowing him to be found safe and sound. Read More

We Need to Go to the Outhouse!

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We took our eldest son out to dinner last night for his birthday. The restaurant that he chose had a Texas/western-style atmosphere, so you can probably imagine what the feel of the place was like. As we were being escorted to our table, I noticed a sign over the area where the restrooms were located that read “Outhouse.” I smiled to myself about this and instantly had a flashback to my mother’s side of the family who lived on a farm that had an outhouse in their yard, since they did not have indoor plumbing when I was young. And then, my mind took off in a completely different direction.

outhouseOn Sunday, we typically spend some quality time with the Lord at Mass. We gather around the Lord’s table to praise and thank God for the many blessings in our lives. We bring our sin-fullness that we accumulated during the week and ask for God’s forgiveness and ask that we are strengthened for the week to come. We sing and pray with our fellow parishioners as we gather to hear God’s word spoken to us and to move us. Basically, we are worshiping “inhouse” – or in God’s house. Then, we are sent out after Mass to go out into the world; to take what we had just heard and to spread the news to those whom we meet on a daily basis. We are to live the Gospel and to be Eucharist to others. We are to strive to imitate Jesus by loving our neighbors as ourselves, and to treat others with the respect and dignity that they deserve. We are to live “outhouse” and not keep Jesus to ourselves.

As this week begins, I challenge all of us to leave the comforts of the “inhouse” and take the good news of Jesus Christ to the “outhouse” so that all can experience the love that God has for each one of us.

Prayer Changes Us

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When we were much younger, our intercessory prayers were vibrant and almost imaginative. We prayed for our families, friends, pets, and for lots of presents. As we got older, we found ourselves praying for good grades, team victories, good weather, personal successes, for someone who was ill, meeting the right girl or guy, finding the right job, making the right decisions, and to be happy.

When our prayers were answered, life was good and so was God. But when our prayers were not answered, we floundered a bit. And sometimes we found ourselves doubting that the whole “prayer thing” even worked or that prayer could really change things. Read More

Come and Rest in the Lord

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20140628_091342At the end of June, I went on a retreat – something that we as deacons are required to do. It is to take the opportunity to disconnect from our everyday lives and to reconnect with our God. So I spent five days and four nights in a private hermitage outside of Lacrosse, Wisconsin owned by the Franciscan Sisters. The hermitage was located on Solitary Ridge, and it was incredibly peaceful. It was a silent retreat for me, and I couldn’t wait to rediscover the calmness of being with the Lord. Read More

Giving Without Cost

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heritageDuring the last few days of June, I went on a private, silent retreat. A retreat is a requirement for deacons so that they take time each year to break away and spend some private time with the Lord. This year, I went to the Franciscan Spirituality Center outside of LaCrosse, Wisconsin. I stayed in a hermitage located on a forested ridge. It was four spiritually-fulfilling days of silence, prayer, reading, contemplation, meditation, and peace. I also reflected on the many gifts that God has graciously given me. And I couldn’t help but to praise and thank God for all of these wonderful gifts. But the important thing for all of us to remember is that we must use these gifts that we have been given.

In today’s Gospel from Matthew (MT 10:7-15), Jesus tells us, “Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give.” Sometimes, it’s easy to look at our gifts and the successes that come from them and brag and say that I was the one who was solely responsible for making that happen. After all, I was the one that did all of the work; therefore, I should take the credit. I’ve learned over the years that it takes a lot of time, effort, and spiritual awareness to know that everything is a gift freely given to us from God. Let me say that again: EVERYTHING is a gift freely given to us by God – every breath we take, our brains, our talents, our skills, our personalities, and on and on. All of it is a gift! Read More

Stress-Control Strategies for Coping in a Crisis

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I was reading through my healthcare provider’s newsletter not too long ago when I came across an article from Arleen Fitzgerald, L.I.C.S.W., on how to cope in a crisis. There was some really good information in there that I wanted to share as well as add some additional input on the subject of finding some key strategies to help us cope when dealing with sorrow, anxiety, and anger in trying times. Read More