
forgive | Deacon Allen Tatara Catholic Speaker

forgive | Deacon Allen Tatara Catholic Speaker

On the Inside; On the Outside


God Bless the Whole World

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It was a beautiful afternoon as I hopped into my vehicle to run some errands. The sun was glistening in the sky and the birds were soaring amongst the giant, puffy clouds that decorated the Spring landscape. Drivers were hurriedly passing me by as if all were late for an important engagement. Sometimes I feel like the speed limit is only a guideline for most people. Regardless, it did not deter me from my tasks at hand.

As I was cruising down the road, a car passed and signaled to enter into my lane in front of me. Once in the lane, I noticed a bumper sticker on their rear fender that read: God Bless The Whole World: No Exceptions!

That really struck me in a number of ways. I immediately thought of all of the hate that exists in our world – and our nation. A thought often crosses our minds that some of our enemies should not exist. And I’m not just talking about those in other countries, but also the individuals that cross our paths in life. But to see this statement on that bumper sticker reinforces the fact that no matter the color of your skin, the language you speak, the faith you profess, or where you call your home, each of us is made in the image and likeness of God. We are Gods’ creation and his chosen people. Every single person in this entire world is worthy of God’s blessings and love.

The modern-day mantra of “it’s all about me and what I want and what I think or believe” is really getting old – and it has to change. It must change! Everyone needs to accept the fact that God loves and forgives all people – no exceptions. God has chosen each and every person on this earth for a specific reason and purpose. Each of us is called to do great things in Jesus’ name and to make a difference in this world. Each of us needs to spread the love of Christ to others. But we cannot do this if we are prejudiced and biased against one another. We have to find a way to genuinely love our enemies and forgive those who have wronged us. This was the message of Jesus, and this needs to be our message as well.

We need to make sure that we pray and ask God to continue to send his blessings down upon us AND everyone else – always!

May God bless the whole world: no exceptions! Amen.

Give in to Love, Not Anger

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Anybody have difficulty with anger or controlling your anger, maybe even leading you to behavior that you’re not exactly proud of? Write my name down on that list; better yet, put it at the very top. If you want to see me NOT at my best, make me angry. If you’re with me in feeling that way, there’s a powerful message for us in today’s Gospel (Matthew 5:20-26).

Jesus is talking about anger, holding onto grudges, hurt and perhaps even hate. I assume that most of us do not hate someone. However, I am sure that all of us have dealt with anger, grudges, hurt and jealousy at various times in our lives. These are emotions that we all have. They are part of being human. Do we always like these emotions? Most likely not! Yet, these emotions that we may consider negative are as much part of us as are the positive emotions.

As human beings, we experience both ends of the spectrum of positive and negative emotions. Today Jesus is talking to his disciples about the choice we all have. We can choose to focus on the emotions that we know are positive and make us feel good: love, gratitude, appreciation, hope, understanding and faith Or we can choose to focus on the emotions that disturb and upset us: anger, jealousy, hate, etc.

The reality is that our emotions are neither “bad” nor “good.” They simply are! The key is learning how to deal with all of these emotions. When we hang onto those disturbing emotions, it can lead to feelings that block love and therefore block God in our lives. Jesus teaches us this about anger so that we can not only learn to forgive others and love as God loves us, but to also learn how to humble ourselves and ask for forgiveness. If we are truly to be the men and women that we are called to be, then we must learn how to give in to love, rather than anger.

We all know what Jesus is asking us to do. It’s just not easy! So we must pray for the grace, strength and wisdom to overcome these love-blocking emotions. God will give us the grace that we need, but it’s up to us. So what will we choose today?

Forgiveness is a Tough Job

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Just the other day I was flipping through TV channels and came across a show about a guy who picks up road kill for a living. I thought, “Why in the world would anyone want to watch this?” And then, of course, I couldn’t turn it off! That show was called “Dirty Jobs,” and Mike Rowe was the man who became famous for trying some of the dirtiest jobs on the planet. He has waded through sewers, castrated horses, farmed worm poop, and sorted through medical waste, just to name a few. He goes out and learns about the jobs that none of us would ever want to do, and gets coached by the people who do these jobs every day for a living. It’s not just for entertainment, because Mike goes deeper in order to pay respect to the men and women who roll up their sleeves and do these challenging jobs every day. Read More

The Book of Your Life: Fact or Fiction?

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What if someone were to write a book about your life? What would they say? We all like to think that it would be something like: he loved his family; she was so self-sacrificing; or he made such a difference in the world.

But what if the story they wrote about your life sounded more like this: he worked really hard all his life to make himself happy and to have good things and to retire in order to do whatever he wanted; she was so focused on having the perfect house that she didn’t spend much time serving other people – but the house was really beautiful! Or success consumed her so much that she would do whatever it took to become a success and to look good in the eyes of others. Is that the type of book that you would want written about yourself?

Our first reading today from St. John (1 John 3:11-21) gives us a definition about what the book of our lives should be about. Here are some key points worth noting:

  • “Love one another” is not only a prescription and description of our Christian life, but it’s also one of the tests of our Christian life. Love one another and you will be happy. It’s as simple and as difficult as that.
  • It’s impossible to say that you hate your brother or sister and remain in fellowship with God. We must love everyone!
  • As Catholic Christians, we constantly move from death to life, and even our desire to love is affected by that. Each of us angels only have one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
  • Loving one another is not overlooking someone’s sins and letting them live however they want. Loving one another is acknowledging their brokenness and helping them find righteousness, like Jesus did for us.
  • God expects us to forgive and love others in the same way that He forgives and loves us.

In our book of life, the answers are never in the back. You will always find the answers within. Let us pray that our eyes be opened to see how God would have us humbly, practically and sacrificially love another person this week – especially those who have hurt us. Let our lives be an open book so that we can truly love one another; for where love is, there God is.

Prayer of Spouses for Each Other

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Prayer of Spouses for Each Other

Lord Jesus, grant that my spouse and I may have a true and understanding love for each other. Grant that we may both be filled with faith and trust. Give us the grace to live with each other in peace and harmony.

May we always bear with one another’s weaknesses and grow from each others strengths. Help us to forgive one another’s failings and grant us patience, kindness, cheerfulness and the spirit of placing the well-being of one another ahead of one’s self.

May the love that brought us together grow and mature with each passing year. Bring us both ever closer to you through our love for each other. Let our love grown to perfection. Amen.

Love Has to Hurt

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Pic : www.lsa.umich.edu

Pic : www.lsa.umich.edu

Today’s Gospel (Luke 6: 27-38) is difficult to hear – and even more difficult to carry out. There’s a bunch of things in there that will free us and allow us to live the way that Christ intended for us to live. Jesus is providing us with this message of love and how we need to treat others. Honestly, the road to truly loving one another is not easy, but it’s a road that we are asked to walk every day.

Mother Teresa once said:

“Love, to be true, has to hurt. I must be willing to give whatever it takes not to harm other people and, in fact, to do good to them. This requires that I be willing to give until it hurts. Otherwise, there is no love in me and I bring injustice, not peace, to those around me.” Read More

When We Forgive, We Love

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Why is forgiving someone so difficult? How do you forgive someone when every fiber of your being resists? How do you look at them lovingly when you still have the memory of their unloving action? How can we, as Jesus tells us, forgive our brothers and sisters from our hearts? It’s certainly not an easy task.

Today we celebrate the feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe. He is the patron of journalists, families, prisoners, the pro-life movement and the chemically addicted. And forgiveness was at the core of his very being. Read More