Everyday LifeUncategorized

Rolling Away the Stone

By August 24, 20142 Comments

There I was, starting off my Friday morning by going to the fitness center for a good workout. Although, something just didn’t feel right with me…

As I was working up a sweat, I began feeling some intense pain radiating between my front, side, and back. I decided that it would be wise to stop exercising. I also thought that it was unwise to drive home with this shooting pain, but I did it anyway.

As I arrived home, I could barely stand erect. I crawled up the steps inside our house, crawled down the hallway toward our bedroom and called to my wife, “I need you to take me to the hospital!”

kidney stoneTo make a long story much shorter, I had a kidney stone, and I had to wait for it to pass on its own (with the assistance of some powerful medication). It still amazes me how something so small can cause so much pain! (That’s the stone next to the paperclip!) But as I laid there in the emergency room bed rolling side-to-side wallowing in pain, I noticed a crucifix hanging on the wall of my room. I immediately felt a calm come over me. Now don’t get me wrong, I was still experiencing immense pain, but I suddenly felt that everything was going to be fine. And I tried to remind myself a midst my groaning that Jesus experienced far worse (and without the aid of medication). And again, a calm feeling rushed through my body. What an incredible period of enlightenment to truly feel that Jesus was with me in my pain.

Jesus is always with us whether we are feeling fine or experiencing pain. Sometimes it takes something so small in order for us to realize how much our God loves us. Sometimes, we need to roll away the stone for us to see the light!


  • Susan Draftz says:

    Wow. I never would have guessed. You sure seemed fine when we say you on Thursday. Now I am even more impressed by your comments. Thanks to you and your wife for making it so special for all of us.

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