
Grieving Job Loss: Stage 2

By February 7, 2013August 8th, 2013No Comments

Yesterday, we looked at denial, the first stage of grieving job loss. Once you work your way through that first stage (which is not always easy), you find yourself entering a space where your attitude suddenly turns dark. You begin to become a person with a disposition – and not a pleasant one at that.

Stage 2: Anger
How could they do this to me? What on earth were they thinking? Were they even thinking this through? What a bunch of morons! Do they know they made a mistake laying me off?

This is the stage where you mentally list every wonderful thing you ever did for the company, and hold it against those knuckleheads who don’t appreciate you. You obsess about the slacker in the next cube who survived when you didn’t, or the idiot boss who chose to save the one who is better at playing politics than he is at actually doing the work. It’s normal to spend some time in this stage, but some people get stuck here and can’t move forward. I’ve seen it happen to a number of my colleagues. This is unfortunate, and quite self-defeating because that ticked-off attitude is a huge barrier to getting hired someplace else. It’s okay to feel anger, and it is a very important part of the healing process. However, never burn a bridge! That person you “tell off” could very well be an excellent source of referral down the road.

Faith Response
Anger comes so easily when we are physically and emotionally wounded. It consumes our very being and eats away at our inner good. When anger takes hold of us, we need to immediately stop what we are doing (and thinking), and take a time out. This is the perfect time to turn to prayer! We need to ask the Lord for patience to get through this difficult stage. Turning to scripture is always a good idea.

It is good sense for a man to be slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense. Proverbs 19:11

The fool gives vent to all his anger; but by biding his time, the wise man calms it. Proverbs 29:11

If you are angry, let it be without sin. The sun must not go down on your wrath; do not give the devil a chance to work on you. Ephesians 4:26-27

Almighty God, the recent events that have take place in my life have seemed to take control over me, and has distracted me from realizing how much you love me and care for me. I pray that during this difficult time, that I may find the patience to dismiss my anger and to see the good in those around me. May I take the time to see you in those whom I encounter this very day. May I always be understanding to the trials and pains of others, so that I may not focus on my needs and wants, but the needs and wants of those who need it most. Amen.

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