Stop Thinking and Start Experiencing
Posted by Deacon Allen | Emotions/Feelings, Everyday Life, Family | No CommentsGrowing up, I was quite an inquisitive child. There were always questions that I needed answered. Questions like:
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Growing up, I was quite an inquisitive child. There were always questions that I needed answered. Questions like:
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Last week, my wife and I had the pleasure of babysitting our grandson while his parents took a well-deserved mini get-away respite. After years of not having toddlers around, I have to admit that I was a bit rusty. Read More
As we celebrate on this Thanksgiving Day holiday, may we appreciate those who make up the fabric of our lives and remember to be grateful for all that we have.
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I read this story from a post on LinkedIn written by Hiram Figueroa Jr. It’s a love story – and it will truly touch your heart.
Holy Thursday always seems to trigger a host of memories from my childhood. I remember how we attended this evening’s Mass as a family, and afterwards how we would visit other neighboring churches. But I never fully understood what was going on and why we did these things.
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‘Twas the rush before Christmas, when all through the house,
I was stirring like crazy trying to wrap my wife’s blouse.
The stockings were crooked, the house was disjointed,
If Santa were to come, he’d be very disappointed.
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My grandmother was one of the most positive persons that I ever met. And although she was taken from this life far too early, she still has an important impact on me today.
The thing about grandma was that she always seemed to keep on the sunny side of life. Whatever difficulty or hurdle that crossed her path, she took it all in stride. When she couldn’t find answers to her problems, she never despaired. Whatever challenges were presented to her, she never appeared to be put into a corner and always found a way out. She was always so positive in a world that is often so negative. That is something that I truly admire about her, and it is something that I find very difficult to emulate.
But I believe that she had a great understanding of today’s reading from St. Paul (2 Corinthians 4:7-15). She knew that no matter what we are going through, we are not alone. Jesus is always within us, beside us, and in those around us. God works through others for us just as God works through us for others. We are earthen vessels molded in the hands of the Father, shaping us like a potter molds his clay. God’s hand is always guiding us away from our despair and towards new life in Him. Whatever hardships come our way or when we are challenged by our afflictions, let us remember that we have the power to overcome them with God by our side. May we always keep on the sunny side of life, living in the moment, and praising God for the gift of His constant presence. The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad indeed.
Over the past week, I have been watching my father’s old 8mm home movies. This was a project that was started months before his passing, where he was cleaning out his basement and wanted to get rid of all these old reels of film. Being the video buff that I am, I said that I would take it and capture on video all of the important parts so we had it as a memory of the past. So for months, this stuff sat here in my “things to do” pile. Well, I’m finally getting to it, Dad! Read More
With the holidays upon us, my wife and I are blessed to have all three of our boys home from college. It’s been a wonderful experience to have all of them home together for the first time in a long time. Not only is it precious time to spend together as a family, but we get to witness first-hand how they are growing and maturing right in front of our eyes. It is a very good thing to be a part of one, big happy family! Read More
Family is a wonderful blessing! (Archie Bunker may not agree with me on this, but it is the honest truth!) Spending time with all of them around the holidays was truly a special event. However, when you talk about family, especially if you are referring to overall size, my family is dwarfed by my wife’s family. In other words, my family is very small, while hers is very big. Read More