A few years ago, I was attending a team meeting for work, one where our management team got everyone together to rally the troops and motivate us to perform better. We had a motivational speaker who was giving us a presentation. As I was listening, I noticed that my boss (who was sitting turned-somewhat sideways in the front row) was picking her nose – and not daintily, but very aggressively. As much as I didn’t want to look at her, I couldn’t help but to do so. I became so fixated on her actions that I had stopped listening to the speaker. Read More
On the Inside; On the Outside
As we begin this season of Lent, today’s Gospel (Luke 9:22-25) is a difficult message to hear and an even tougher one to carry out. We are told that we each need to carry our own cross and follow Jesus, and be prepared to do so every day. We are also told that we must renounce “self” in order for us to live. Now this goes against our every desire to want to advance ourselves in the eyes of others as well as to focus our attention on our own needs and wants. Read More
Solomon’s legacy began with great success. But despite his glorious beginning, Solomon’s heart was not entirely with the Lord (1 Kings 11:4-13). He basically did not obey God, and the end result was that Solomon’s reign was catastrophic. This all came about because he had forgotten God’s unconditional and faithful love and decided to serve idols instead. Today, we too have our idols that we worship and find that our hearts are not entirely with the Lord. Read More
According to the data, most people have already given up on their resolutions for 2014. So, I thought that this would be a good time to share the resolutions that Pope Francis made for this year, in hopes that it will reinvigorate us to continue our quest to do better. Also, his list is full of great ideas for us to incorporate into our lives as well. (This came from an interview by Paterno Esmaquel II originally posted on Rappler. It is a series of Pope Francis quotes in the form of New Year’s resolutions.) Read More
This morning, I was standing in our kitchen, waiting for my tea to steep. Gazing outside the window at the cold and snowy landscape, I noticed a robin in our neighbor’s tree. How strange, I thought, to see a robin at the end of January. We usually don’t see these birds here until the weather warms up, like around early March. But there she was, just sitting in the tree and enjoying the winter morning. Read More
There is a saying: “Jealousy is thin because it bites but never eats.” And that is so true! When we find ourselves filled with jealousy, we feel and experience a never-ending biting or gnawing, a pinching and grabbing that just drives us nuts! Read More
I have one of those magnifying mirrors in our bathroom that enable you to see everything on your face. And I do mean everything! It’s a little scary (and humbling) to see all the little bumps and pores on your skin. But this past Saturday as I was shaving in the morning, I noticed something a little out of the ordinary. Read More
I read an article in the newspaper the other day that listed the most annoying words of 2013. These came from an annual study done by a Michigan university that suggests words to banish due to overuse, over-reliance and overall fatigue. These are the some of the words: selfie, twerking, hashtag, Twittersphere, t-bone, Obamacare, intellectually/morally bankrupt, and anything on “steroids.” Also, people were tired of the suffixes “-pocalypse” and “-ageddon” use to make words such as “snow-pocalypse” or “ice-ageddon.” Read More
I was recently digging through some old documents in my file cabinet in my home office when I came across these song lyrics that I had written back in 1989. It was a meant to be a recitation with an instrumental version of “Silent Night” playing in the background. But since this is not possible within my little blog post, I will share the story with you as it was originally written… Read More
I am passing along a beautiful blog post from my friend Fr. Tom Zielinski from the St. Anthony Spirituality Center in Marathon, Wisconsin. As we are in the home stretch of the Advent season, let his words fill you with joy and anticipation for the Lord’s coming…
“Acceptance” is a word that is becoming more important for me during Advent. We have the usual words of waiting, longing, desiring, expecting, which are all very appropriate for this season. But with the Second Sunday of Advent, the word and idea of acceptance stood out for me in the Sunday readings. The word itself was not there, but the idea was. Read More