We’ll begin with a box, and the plural is boxes,
But the plural of ox becomes oxen, not oxes. Read More
With Mother’s Day being this Sunday, I wanted to share this blog post written by Mary Bielski this week. Mary is a Catholic Youth Minister and national speaker. This is a good reminder not only for teens, but for adults as well.
For many years, I have found Mother Teresa to be a major influence on my life. I have read numerous books about her life, and have also listened to many of her lectures. When I saw this article in Our Sunday Visitor, I knew that I had to share it on my blog. As we are only seven days away from Mother’s Day, I hope that you find this to be thought-provoking if not inspirational. Read More
Of the many images in John’s Gospel, probably one of the most descriptive is that of Jesus as the Good Shepherd. For like a shepherd, Jesus is concerned with the welfare and care of his sheep.
Jesus tells us that sheep follow the shepherd because “they recognize his voice.” In other words, sheep become used to a particular shepherd and the sound of his voice, and so come to trust him – and that gives them a sense of security. Read More
When I was ordained a deacon, a friend of mine gave me a book written by Fulton Sheen. It was a very good read, and I now have a special fondness for this amazing man. Check out this story on this incredible preacher:
Last evening, my wife asked me to take her to see the movie The Hunger Games. She had already read the books, and wanted to see the movie. I had not read the books, but I agreed to take her to see the movie. Plus, it was a great opportunity to have “date night” with my wife – something that doesn’t happen all that often. Read More
The Easter Triduum, the “Three Days”, is the celebration of the Christian Passover. Just as our Jewish ancestors gathered annually to remember the events of their release from slavery in Egypt, so too, we gather to celebrate our Passover from death to life in Christ. The Triduum is at the heart and soul of our Christian faith, commemorating the triumph of God’s love over darkness and death. It’s the fullest ritual expression of what it means to be a Christian. In our reliving and remembering, we’re renewed and reborn along with the newly initiated members of our community. Read More