Today, the day before Ash Wednesday, is known by many names: Mardi Gras, Carnival, Fat Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day, and Paczki Day. Read More
On the Inside; On the Outside
Today, we look at the final stage of grieving job loss. There’s no magic number to indicate when a person will reach this stage, but know that when one gets here, they are in a much better place emotionally.
Stage 5: Acceptance
Well, that sucked. What’s next? Read More
Sometimes we find ourselves feeling sad, blue, unhappy, miserable, or down in the dumps. Most of us feel this way at one time or another. But when we experience job loss, these feelings take on an entirely new perspective and meaning.
Stage 4: Depression
I’m never going to get a job. Nobody is looking for someone like me. I don’t have the right skills for any of the available jobs out there. Read More
In the next stage of grieving job loss, we sometimes feel like we are experiencing buyer’s remorse. This could become a dangerous place to be, simply because it blows apart your self-esteem. And then, you are left feeling like a wet noodle: limp and lifeless.
Stage 3: Bargaining
Maybe if I just… What if I… If only I… Read More
Yesterday, we looked at denial, the first stage of grieving job loss. Once you work your way through that first stage (which is not always easy), you find yourself entering a space where your attitude suddenly turns dark. You begin to become a person with a disposition – and not a pleasant one at that.
Stage 2: Anger
How could they do this to me? What on earth were they thinking? Were they even thinking this through? What a bunch of morons! Do they know they made a mistake laying me off? Read More
In case you missed the news, I was laid off from my job on January 24th. This was just after celebrating my 25th service anniversary in December. You can only imagine the amount of emotions that were taking place in my head, in my gut, and in my heart. It has been nearly two weeks since that “event” has taken place, and I believe that I am finally ready to write about it.
In the coming days, I will begin walking through the Five Stages of Grieving Job Loss. It is based on the Five Stages of Grief described by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in her book “On Death and Dying”. My hope is that by describing these stages (not only for others, but also for myself), it will help move us through this process more quickly and with less emotional strain.
Stage 1: Denial
This can’t be happening to me! I can’t believe they are letting me go! They will not be able to live without me! Read More
This article comes from fellow blogger Fr. Dwight Longenecker. I am re-posting this because it is very powerful and very pertinent to the scenes that are playing out in my life. Enjoy!
Sunday’s Gospel reading from Luke (Luke 4:14-21) is a hard text to get your head around from preaching. There is no dramatic story for me to break down, no wise and confusing parable for me to explain, nor is there a dramatic miracle that takes place that I can talk about. This is a simple short story about Christ’s first sermon. Read More
This has been quite the roller coaster of a week for me, with a variety of highs and lows. Unfortunately, the lows seem to keep coming.
With today being the Feast of St. Francis de Sales, I turned to him for some words of peace. No matter where you are in your life, these words should provide some comfort. Read More
Being a professional musician and playing my share of weddings over the years, I have seen what seems like thousands of wedding speeches and toasts. Most were very dry and boring, but some were quite entertaining. But none have even come close to this – for this is truly amazing… Read More