On the Inside; On the Outside


Simple Depression???

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Simple Depression???

Such overwhelming joy casts me into pure depression when it crosses my mind;depression-image
bitter indulgence lies beneath my sweat-soaked surface,
and there is nothing that can control the things that are to be spoken;
wails within dig deeper, leaving behind scars of broken communication;
rid me of this deviled instinct and clear before me the path of peace the mind
so that I may dwell in the smile of life.

(Originally written July 4, 1984 – and dedicated to all who are hurting.)

When We Forgive, We Love

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Why is forgiving someone so difficult? How do you forgive someone when every fiber of your being resists? How do you look at them lovingly when you still have the memory of their unloving action? How can we, as Jesus tells us, forgive our brothers and sisters from our hearts? It’s certainly not an easy task.

Today we celebrate the feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe. He is the patron of journalists, families, prisoners, the pro-life movement and the chemically addicted. And forgiveness was at the core of his very being. Read More

Quote of the Week

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In the words of our Holy Father, each one of us must be able to “cleanse what is dirty, to warm what is lukewarm, to strengthen what is weak, to enlighten what is dark.” We must not be afraid to proclaim Christ’s love and to love as He loved.
~Mother Teresa

Thought of the Day

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This particular phrase from Psalm 90 keeps jumping out at me every time I read it:

Make us know the shortness of our life that we may gain wisdom of heart.

I believe that its significance has to do with knowing where one is headed. In other words, our lives here on earth are very short. We need to do the right things in life – the things that we know inside our hearts that SHOULD be done. And we hope that we may gain wisdom by being attentive to our hearts by truly listening to what’s going on inside. We need to be helping others, serving others, making their needs a priority over our own needs. We need to move away from our point of view and focus on the needs and desires of others. Our society’s “me first” attitude must be put aside so that we can love and serve our neighbor, just as Jesus asks us to do. This is our baptismal calling. Life is too short not to do the right thing.

Today, we pray that God will continue to teach us, and that we are able to hear what is being taught. And that each day, we may gain wisdom from our hearts and to do what God is asking us to do. Amen.

Prayer to St. Benedict for Peace

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Prayer to St. Benedict for Peace

St. Benedict, you were a man of peace.
You walked the paths of peace your whole life long and led all who came to you into the ways of peace.
Help us, St. Benedict, to achieve peace;
peace in our hearts, peace in our homes, peace in our sorely troubled world.
Through your powerful intercession with God help us to be peacemakers.


Love, Serve, Transform

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What would you like to own more than anything else in the entire world? Would it be a sports car, a yacht, a beautiful mansion? What are these things worth to you? Jesus is telling us that following him and seeking the kingdom is worth even more than the thing we want most. As we learn more about the kingdom, the desire to attain it grows in us. We want to be in a place of perfect love and perfect peace, where there is no war or disease, no hatred or violence, no discrimination because of the color of our skin or the origin of our family, where people are respected and treated with dignity, and where all of us can live as sisters and brothers in Christ. What we need is what Solomon asked for: an understanding heart, so that we don’t judge others, but we love and serve one another and do what is right. And that’s not always an easy thing to do! Read More

Prayer for One Burdened with Worry

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Father, teach me that, as your child, worry has no place in my life. I know that it helps nothing. I know that worry overcomes no difficulty.

Often in the past, Lord, I have come to you with heavy heart and burdened life, and you have answered my prayers and graciously lifted the burden from me. Yet, I still refuse to leave my burdens with you. Always I gather them up, those heavy bundles of fears and anxieties, and shoulder them again.

Help me dear Lord to overcome these useless thoughts and lift from me once again all anxieties and apprehensions. Help me to live just one day at a time with a confident trust in your tender mercy and love. May my heart know your promise that I rest only as I rest in you. I thank you for your love for me and for your help.


Status “Quo”te

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“God is present, no matter how often humanity may forget God. Christianity has the living and modern spiritual energy, ready to confront the negations of a materialistic world.” ~Pope John XXIII

The Gift

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The Gift

If one cannot grow, one cannot learn
the meaning of life; the gift of return.

If one cannot fly like a bird of a feather,
feelings held captive and held in forever.

If one cannot reach for a star in the sky,
dreams are left shattered and the future will die.

If one cannot say what rests on the mind,
the two doors of speech will be closed to the blind.

If one cannot feel for the strength in the air,
nearness is coldness, darkness, and fear.

For if one cannot love, one cannot live,
and grow in the Spirit and possess what you give.

(I wrote this poem on February 2, 1984.)