Everyday Life

Be Made Clean

By January 14, 2016No Comments

I was doing some research this week on the Internet, when I stumbled across something that I had never seen before…

jesus soap barThe product is called Jesus Soap, and you can buy it online for just $10.99. Here’s the description:

Whatever the sin, the Holy Almighty Jesus is here to wash your worries away. Simply lather yourself up with your Jesus Soap, then wash away. Watch as the soapy residue slides down your sinful body, bringing you closer to heaven. 


  • Soap bar with Jesus design
  • Wash away your sins- literally!
  • Great gag gift for the sinners
  • Gives instant absolution and relief*

Please note that this is a novelty item. It does a fantastic job at washing; but there is no guarantee your sins will be forgiven. If you want redemption, please join a church.

This got me thinking about our Gospel reading today about the unclean leper (Mark 1:40-45). And it also got me thinking that maybe each one of us is a little unclean as well and can use some Jesus Soap. If we only had the ability to lather up and rinse away all those things in our lives that make us unclean, think how much closer to heaven we would be. If we were able to remove the dirtiness of our lives so that we could truly live in community with our fellow sisters and brothers; if we were able to remove the dirtiness that keeps us from loving one another and to see that we are all children of God; if we were able to follow God’s will and not to be concerned with what we perceive as our own unworthiness. If we could be able to do all these things, we too would be clean.

So here’s the good news: we all have access to Jesus Soap. Each one of us has the cleansing power of Jesus within our grasp at all times. We just need to be able to call upon Jesus and make him a part of our daily lives. We need to make that first move to come to Christ and admit that we are not the people we need to be. We need to admit to ourselves that we are unclean and we need to cleansed, and we need Jesus’ help in order to make that happen.

Today, let us ask ourselves these questions: Do I believe that Jesus can heal my leprosy, my inner wounds, my burden of sin, my uncleanness, my dirtiness, or the heavy guilt of my conscience? Do I really believe, as this leper did, that Jesus can heal me completely from everything, like leprosy, that cuts me off from others and destroys my self-respect?

I encourage us to take that bold step of going to Jesus, kneeling down before him and simply bringing all our afflictions to him. And then let us pray that we will be able to hear his voice when he says to us, “I do will it. Be made clean.”

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