Everyday Life

Are You Excited?

By May 8, 2014No Comments

The word “excitement” means: “to be stirred or thrilled, the state of being emotionally worked up, the feeling of active and cheerful joy.” Some would say they have excitement at times, but it all depends on what they are doing, what they are “into” at the moment.

For example, many get excited at sporting events. Some will be thrilled at getting a new outfit, or a good meal out. Everybody gets excited with their gifts at Christmas or a good holiday. However, do we have that same level of excitement when it comes to God our Father?

kidzexcitedIn today’s reading from the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 8: 26-40), the eunuch is so excited about learning more about scripture that he is bouncing off the walls. And as it were, Philip was there to guide him along. But this eunuch has such a strong desire and need to learn more about scripture, and he is so excited and motivated to be baptized, one can’t but help to get excited just reading about his spiritual encounter.

Is it possible for you and I to be filled with such excitement about God? And if so, how can we maintain that level of excitement day after day? Here are a few steps that we can take to get us and keep us excited about God.

Pray, pray, pray. Prayer is simply talking to God. So, keep your lines of communication open. Find the best time in your day when you feel energized to pray, and stick with that same time every day. Speak to God, but make sure you leave ample to listen to God as well.

Increase your spiritual understanding. Is there a subject you want to know more about? Do you have unanswered questions? Find scriptures that address those subjects. Find some spiritual books that are of interest to you. Read so that you can be spiritually nourished and grow in your faith.

Surround yourself with people who fuel your faith. The last thing you need is to be around negative people. They will leave you discouraged and spiritless. Hang out with those who have a zest for their faith. Connect with those who motivate you to find your true calling.

Recall God’s past faithfulness. Encourage yourself in the Lord by remembering what God has done for you in the past. God continues to bless you each and every day. Always remember the wondrous things that God has done in your life and wait with glorious anticipation on what is to come.

Learn to enjoy everyday life. There is nothing wrong with looking ahead but don’t neglect where you are right at this moment. Make the best of the seconds, minutes and hours you’ve been given today. Be thankful for the many blessings God has given you. Simply enjoy being in God’s presence.

Remind yourself daily that God loves you. Understanding the love of God is one of the most important revelations you will ever receive. God’s love is the reason He gave you Jesus. And that should be all the motivation we need.

Be creative with your prayer life. Routines are good but can cause stagnancy. Change things up a bit. Instead of praying the same way day-in-and-day-out, try some variety. Read scripture, meditate, Liturgy of the Hours, the rosary, lectio divina, or even write in a journal. Don’t be afraid to try different things.

Keep a journal of your journey. Recording the day’s thoughts and events will help you see how God shows up in small yet powerful ways.

Reach out and serve others. The seeds you sow will come back to you. Go and make a difference in the lives of others. Use your gifts and talents to help those in need. Take the focus off of ourselves and instead focus on the needs of others. I cannot think of a better way to get excited about being a Christian.

These are just a few simple ways to help us to get excited about our faith and our call to discipleship. Let each of us strive to grow our level of excitement and passion for God so that we may grow stronger in faith and love with our creator.

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