
Happy New Year!

By January 1, 2013August 8th, 2013No Comments

We say this all the time, but do you ever stop to think what we are actually saying when we speak this phrase? What do these three words actually mean?

I believe that it can mean a number of things. For example, Happy New Year, in its most basic translation can mean that we hope that the person whom we are addressing does indeed have a happy 2013. And with that is associated some of the following: health, wealth, good friends, love, happiness, joy, etc.

This phrase can also mean that we place a blessing on the individuals to which we say these words. We pray that the upcoming year allow you to be the person whom God made you to be; the one who goes out and follows the Gospel by word and deed. We pray that during times of trial that we truly trust in the Lord to guide us in the way of his truth, and to not second guess his plan. We pray that we take the time to pray and to find the silence and solitude that will bring us ever closer to our Creator. And we pray that we may be always listening for His call, and following Him until the end of our days.

May 2013 be the year that we truly act on what God is asking us to do, and embark on the journey of faith that will lead us to ultimate happiness and love.

Happy New Year, indeed!!!

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