
Unconceivable Beauty of Heaven

By September 29, 2016No Comments

What do you think heaven is like? Do you envision a place filled with white, puffy clouds with angels playing miniature harps while flying to and fro? Do you envision a place where there is no more pain, suffering, grief, or affliction? Is heaven found in your sweetheart’s arms? Or is heaven the most ginormous all-you-can-eat buffet you’ve ever seen?

These are just some of the visions of heaven that have been documented over the years in books, movies, and music. But what do we really know about heaven?

Several saints experienced vivid visions of heaven, and I wanted to share one of those with you today. This came from the diary of St. Faustina in 1936.

img_0412Today I was in heaven, in spirit, and I saw its unconceivable beauties and the happiness that awaits us after death. 

I saw how all creatures give ceaseless praise and glory to God. 

I saw how great is happiness in God, which spreads to all creatures, making them happy; and then all the glory and praise which springs from this happiness returns to its source; and they enter into the depths of God, contemplating the inner life of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, whom they will never comprehend or fathom.  

This source of happiness is unchanging in its essence, but it is always new, gushing forth happiness for all creatures.  

Now I understand Saint Paul, who said, “Eye has not seen, nor has ear heard, not has it entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for those who love him.”  

And God has given me to understand that there is but one thing that is of infinite value in His eyes, and that is love of God; love, love and once again, love; and nothing can compare with a single act of pure love of God.  

Oh, with what inconceivable favors God gifts a soul that loves Him sincerely! Oh, how happy is the soul who already here on earth enjoys His special favors! And of such are the little and humble souls.  

The sight of this great majesty of God, which I came to understand more profoundly and which is worshipped by the heavenly spirits according to their degree of grace and the hierarchies into which they are divided, did not cause my soul to be stricken with terror or fear; no, no, not at all!  

My soul was filled with peace and love, and the more I come to know the greatness of God, the more joyful I become that He is as He is.  

And I rejoice immensely in His greatness and am delighted that I am so little because, since I am little, He carries me in His arms and holds me close to His Heart.  

O my God, how I pity those people who do not believe in eternal life; how I pray for them that a ray of mercy would envelop them too, and that God would clasp them to His fatherly bosom…” (Diary 777)
We don’t really know much about heaven. But what we do know is that heaven is a state of being in which the saints will live forever in the presence of God. The Fathers of the Church call it the “beatific vision”, where we will look upon God face-to-face. Scripture also defines heaven as the dwelling of God. The angels and saints in heaven will live forever with Him. There will be everlasting peace and happiness and no more suffering or death.

On this the feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, may we aspire to join the angels in praising and serving God for whom everything exists. The angels remind us about what matters in heaven. Let us do the same while still on this earth!

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