It’s the fifth of July, and it’s going to be another hot summer day. After surviving a scorching July 4th of 102 degrees, it should be interesting how this day will shape up. Temperatures are climbing again, forecasted to be around 103 degrees or so, with high humidity. It is very important to stay hydrated, and to begin the day on the right foot.
So, I woke up this morning with a desire to do something that I haven’t done in quite some time. I wanted to meditate, and I actually had the chance to do it this morning as my morning prayer. Now, this is something that I really enjoy doing, but often have a hard time carving out the time to do it. But today, I decided that I was going to do it, and I did. Yay for me!
During my meditation, I began to feel a true sense of blessedness in my life. Maybe it took a little silence for me to realize this, but regardless, I felt this during my meditation. I felt the presence of God as He filled my very being, and I truly felt at peace. God has blessed me in so many ways, and I was grateful for the opportunity of prayer to remind me of this. Praise and thanks be to God!!!
All of us need to carve out some time each day to simply be silent and listen. It is a magnificent feeling to simply be with the Lord. Yes, I understand that our minds like to take off and think about all of the things that we need to do. That often happens to me as well. The trick is to get ourselves back to that place of mind-silence, where we just exist with the Lord. If you feel yourself drifting out, catch yourself and reel yourself back into the silence of the moment. The more you do this, the easier it becomes.
It’s the fifth of July, and I am charged and ready to serve the Lord. So bring on the heat – for I am refreshed by the God who loves me!