I thought it was going to be just an ordinary, everyday haircut, but it ended up being a faith-filled encounter with God. Here are the 5 ways I found God at the hair salon.

  1. Salon Chair (Barber Chair)

5 Ways I Found God at the Hair SalonWe often need a change of perspective to see things differently. That’s what prayer does for us. When we place our petitions before the Lord, we will be opened to the power of the Holy Spirit who will enlighten us and raise us to new heights in our faith. If we allow God to turn us completely around, we will be transformed in ways we cannot imagine.



  1. Mirror

Sometimes we don’t like what we see in our own reflection. But when we gaze into the mirror with eyes of faith, we should see the person who is made in the image and likeness of God. When God looks at us, he sees that we are good. When we look at ourselves, we should be thankful for being a beloved child of God and to know that we have been blessed in so many ways.

  1. Scissors

5 Ways I Found God at the Hair Salon It’s not possible to get a haircut without this essential tool. It is the most efficient way to eliminate the excess and make oneself presentable again. When we live according to the Word of God, we will experience a removal of the things that weigh us down. When we allow God’s Word to guide and shape us, we will notice a major change in how others see us (and how we see ourselves). A sense of peace will envelope us when we cut the bad things out of our life and focus on the good things that only God can provide.


  1. Shampoo5 Ways I Found God at the Hair Salon

If we want to remove the dirt and grime from our lives, we need to immerse ourselves in the cleansing waters of forgiveness. We need to scrub and rub to remove all those things that make us unclean. God forgives us, no matter what we have done – and that should blow our minds. The freeing of our sins in the act of confession is the best way to wash the stain of sin out of our hair (and soul).

  1. Hair Dryer

5 Ways I Found God at the Hair Salon If there was an easy way to take hold of our troubles and blow them away, we would be all over that. But instead, we need to accept the winds of change and take it as a lesson in acceptance. In the heat of the moment, it’s easy to lose our balance. But when we allow our Lord to walk with us and trust in his loving presence, we can weather whatever blows our way.



Sometimes we forget that God is always with us. If our minds are somewhere else, we’ll most likely miss God in the present moment – right where we are. There is no place where God is not. We only have to open our eyes to see that God is everywhere – even at the hair salon.


God is always with us. How do we know? Read this amazing story.

Discover how you can find God in all things. Click here.


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