Everyday Life

Giving Without Cost

By July 7, 2016No Comments

We are now several months into the Year of Mercy, and I believe that it’s a good time for us to check-in and see how we are doing.

Year-of-MercyPerhaps it would be helpful to review the definition of mercy for those of us who may have forgotten. Mercy is defined as compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm. God could choose to show us no mercy, and punish each and every one of us as a result of our sins. But He chooses to give us His mercy; to forgive and forget all the bad things we do (as long as we ask for His forgiveness and are truly sorry). God gives us His love and mercy; and we are called to do the same.

But do we? Not always. We hold on to the littlest things; things that seem so huge at the time, but are actually small in comparison. We remember things people did or said to us that hurt us – and we don’t let it go. We judge and condemn others because of their beliefs, lifestyle, and shortcomings, knowing full well that we have our own vices and hurtful things we say and do.

We are constantly wounded and brokenhearted to some degree. So how can we possibly show mercy and forgiveness when we ourselves are broken and wounded? We must first seek God’s mercy and forgiveness. We ask Jesus to heal us and forgive us with a sincere and open heart.

When we sincerely ask God for His mercy, but we have to want his mercy, grace and forgiveness. And He gives it to us at no cost.

But this is only one side of the coin. The other side is that we have to give it as well. We have to give mercy to others and forgive others, just as God does for us. Forgiving someone heals both ourselves and the ones we forgive. Forgiving someone and showing them mercy despite their faults is what it means to be Christ-like.

Do you know someone that you have not forgiven? Is it a family member or a friend who hurt you, or continues to say and do things to offend you? Do you hold onto the past, and things that were said years ago that you have never forgiven someone for? Forgiveness and mercy is the key to healing these relationships. Life is too short. And the lack of mercy and forgiveness you give on this earth might well dictate the amount of mercy and forgiveness you receive at the gates of Heaven.

If you are feuding or harboring resentment or anger towards someone, perhaps you should give the gift of forgiveness and mercy. For without cost we have received; without cost we are to give.

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