Everyday Life

Dream On…

By February 9, 2012August 9th, 2013No Comments
Last night, I had two very strange dreams.  This is not really out of the ordinary for me, but last night was very memorable as I am still thinking about it now.  So if you don’t mind, here it is…
Dream One: I was in Paris on business, doing what I have done there on business trips in the past. But then I noticed that I didn’t have my passport. Well, it was one problem after the next. And to shorten this story, I ended up not being able to come back to the United States. I woke up, and after a short time, fell back asleep.
Dream Two: I was in New Jersey on business, doing what I have done there on business trips in the past. But then I was sitting in a diner ready to have dinner. I ordered the soup of the day, ate it, and was waiting for the check. The waitress brought the check, and the total was $65 – for just a bowl of soup! I almost fell out of my seat. I complained to her, and asked to speak with the manager.  I ended up waiting for 20 minutes, mainly because the manager was avoiding me. I told him that I was not going to pay $65 for a bowl of soup, especially since it tasted like it came out of a can. Then, I woke up.
Alright, I think I understand dream one. I’ve been under a lot of stress lately at work, and I am working on a show that will be held in Europe soon. So I can see where this one would come from, and that makes total sense to me. But dream two, I have no idea what’s up with that. I wish I knew someone who could analyze dreams. In a way, that would be good. In a way, that would be bad. Sometimes not knowing is better than knowing.

Perhaps it’s time to let go of my burdens and offer it up to the Lord. Maybe then I could sleep through the night. Maybe then I could have normal dreams. Until then, I am staying away from ordering soup in a restaurant.

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